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If I export a section of open street map to OSM format how can I find the curb lines for the streets it shows?

e.x. at this URL:

I found this data for "President Street" (replacing "<" with "[")

[way id="250220325" visible="true" version="1" changeset="19296424" timestamp="2013-12-05T21:03:43Z" user="Rub21_nycbuildings" uid="1781294"] [nd ref="2567030383"/] [nd ref="2567030387"/] [nd ref="2567030377"/] [nd ref="2567030367"/] [nd ref="2567030359"/] [nd ref="2567030357"/] [nd ref="2567030369"/] [nd ref="2567030379"/] [nd ref="2567030385"/] [nd ref="2567030390"/] [nd ref="2567030692"/] [nd ref="2567030689"/] [nd ref="2567030871"/] [nd ref="2567030874"/] [nd ref="2567030988"/] [nd ref="2567030964"/] [nd ref="2567030675"/] [nd ref="2567030670"/] [nd ref="2567030383"/] [tag k="addr:housenumber" v="1419"/] [tag k="addr:postcode" v="11213"/] [tag k="addr:street" v="President Street"/] [tag k="building" v="yes"/] [tag k="height" v="9.2"/] [tag k="nycdoitt:bin" v="3033440"/] [/way]

I understand that each node ([nd]) corresponds to a node with latitude/longitude but these are just down the center of the street.

How can I find the nodes of the EDGE of the street?

asked 05 Feb '16, 01:47

gorinsystems's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

BTW, the example you gave is actually a building at 1419 President Street, not the street itself.

(05 Feb '16, 18:19) alester

You cannot. With the exception of pedestrian areas and some experimental road-area mapping in Germany, OSM only ever maps the street centreline and not the curb. The maps you see will draw the street using a line width that is derived from the street type (highway tag), and in some cases also taking into consideration the width or lanes tags, but never based on actual curb line mapping.

permanent link

answered 05 Feb '16, 06:40

Frederik%20Ramm's gravatar image

Frederik Ramm ♦
accept rate: 23%

You can probably contact your local government planning office, they will likely have a copy of the cadastre, which includes the curb line.

(05 Feb '16, 08:35) Lightsider

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question asked: 05 Feb '16, 01:47

question was seen: 4,833 times

last updated: 05 Feb '16, 18:19

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum