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Hi all

I'm using the following cli to create a diff file with osmosis :

osmosis --rri workingDirectory=$dir --simc --wxc $diff_file

It works globally fine, but sometimes failed with the following error message : SEVERE: Thread for task 1-rri failed org.openstreetmap.osmosis.core.OsmosisRuntimeException: Pipeline entities are not sorted, previous entity type=Node, id=3976375557, version=1 current entity type=Node, id=3976375557, version=1.

In that case, removing --simc option seems to work fine and generate a correct osc file but it contains several changes for the same id (which is expected because of removing simplify-changes option !). I had a look at the generated file and it seems --simc option is failing when an id is created and deleted in the same osc file compilation (from 2016-01-28 to 2016-02-01 in my case) :

<create> ... <node id="3976375557" version="1" timestamp="2016-01-29T17:16:56Z" uid="3577326" user="Alain 9-0" changeset="36883598" lat="47.5435886" lon="6.8328761"/> </create> <delete> <node id="3976375557" version="1" timestamp="2016-01-31T05:04:40Z" uid="3577326" user="Alain 9-0" changeset="36883598" lat="47.5435886" lon="6.8328761"/> </delete>

Any idea on how to keep --simc option in any case ?

Thanks a lot for any help

Kind regards,


asked 01 Feb '16, 10:43

dmercier90's gravatar image

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I used osmosis Version 0.40.1 and tried latest 0.44.1 with the same results.

Test files : to 054.osc.gz

(01 Feb '16, 12:49) dmercier90

It seems I've found a piece of answer hier :

"I'm currently using a workaround, which is to set maxInterval in configuration.txt to 0.5 day to make sure that osmosis is not trying to merge two diffs. Then I had to add a loop to run osmosis until there are no recent diffs."

Hope this should help someone who's facing the same issue when trying to merge several geofrabrik's file with osmosis

(01 Feb '16, 13:19) dmercier90

Ran into the same problem (also with Geofabrik diffs). The "0.5 day" workaround (setting maxInterval to 43200 in configuration.txt) works for me. Thanks for posting this!

(28 Nov '16, 10:58) inkatlas

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question asked: 01 Feb '16, 10:43

question was seen: 3,043 times

last updated: 28 Nov '16, 10:58

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum