After my trip to Israel I placed some sights (such as the ruins of Megiddo, Hazor and some others) on the OSM. After several weeks they still do not appear. Why? Other points placed by me such as hotels do appear. |
Example links: A first observation: You have used historic = ruin instead of historic = ruins Also, not every feature is visible in every kind of map. What is invisible in Mapnik may show up in Osmarender. |
OK, I have used historic = ruin instead of historic = ruins, but I just used the editor Potlatch 2 opened from the main map at I selected the icon called "ruin" under Tourism at the left hand side. 1
Hey stephanpls, please don't post your "result" as a new answer to your original question, it is better to do that via a comment to the answer of someone else. Because this site is not organized as a chronological forum, but as a FAQ ranking system where the best answer is found by voting. You can convert your answer to a comment by selecting "more" with the little black triangle. Thanks in advance.
(26 Apr '11, 17:45)