Hi everyone! I've installed the tile server on a separate machine using SWITCH2OSM Manually building a tile server (14.04) and I've changed mapstyle to openstreetmap-carto. Everything works fine, but at 6-7-8 scales tile generation takes about couple of minutes. I have used PostGIS Tuning, PG Tune, PG Tune Online, I have tried to use dozen of PostgreSQL configurations, but tile generation is not fast enough. My hardware configuration is:
I thought it would be enough. So the question is: "What is the best hardware solution for the tile server?". I want tile generation to take couple of seconds. Thanks for help! |
You have to accept that tile generation on small zoom levels takes a couple of minutes, and pre-render these tiles in regular intervals. That's what OSM itself does too! The alternative is changing to vector tile technology altogether but then you'd have to re-generate the vector tiles in regular intervals which isn't much faster. 2
If his update schedule is "once a year", pre-generating shouldn't be a problem.
(27 Jan '16, 14:31)
Vincent de P... ♦
I have .meta files already, I don't work with .png itself. So, the only way to share not rendered tiles on 6-7-8 zoom levels is pre-render, right? And it doesn't matter which hardware you have, anyway it will take couple of minutes, yes?
(28 Jan '16, 06:20)
if you keep the whole database in memory it will speed rendering up a lot
(28 Jan '16, 10:50)
Well, I guess you could get yourself one of these: https://www.oracle.com/engineered-systems/exalytics/features.html But I don't think you envisioned needing to buy a new "house" when installing a new home tile server, because that is probably what a true professional business solution like this one is going to cost you... Yeah, I guess so. The only way is to pre-render tiles. Where I can find how many GBs I must have to render the whole world on 11 zoom level? This table http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Tile_disk_usage is not valid for meta-files. Thank you
(28 Jan '16, 07:51)
A couple of questions that may help people answer:
o How much data are you importing?
o Are you planning to update the data periodically?
Hello. 1. The whole world 2. May be once a year
What performance are you getting (at which zoom and which location), and what did you expect ?
I think it could be normal that the tiles for z6-8 take some significant amount of time to render, usually they are not rendered very often but only from time to time on demand. These zoom levels contain a big amount of data and are covering big areas so that the spatial index has less effect than in higher zoom levels.