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According to the US Forest Service travel maps, there are six different route types in NFs. What are the OSM road tags that correspond to these US Forest Service route designations?

  • Paved Roads
  • Gravel Roads
  • Dirt Roads
  • Unimproved Dirt Roads (4x4 recommended)
  • Motorized Trails
  • Non-Motorized Trails

For example, I believe "non-motorized trails" would be Paths since they are basically hiking trails.

asked 25 Jan '16, 23:41

ChrisMendez's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

There is some discussion here:

The paved and gravel roads should mostly be highway=unclassified, with the appropriate surface tag set. Sometimes a more significant road will be a tertiary or whatever.

Motorized trails aren't totally settled, but some combination of access tags and/or maxwidth can accurately reflect the additional restrictions, as discussed here:

I think given that the Forest Service uses them for publishing temporary closures and that they are often the most prominent signage present, it's also useful to put the road number in the ref tag. I've seen prefixes of (at least) FS, USFS and NF used for that, it would be good to eventually standardize those some.

Later: Tracks that are closed to vehicles other than snowmobiles can be marked as vehicle=no, snowmobile=yes (some discussion). Motorcycles trails can use a similar scheme, vehicle=no, motorcycle=yes.

permanent link

answered 26 Jan '16, 00:22

maxerickson's gravatar image

accept rate: 32%

edited 26 Jan '16, 19:39

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question asked: 25 Jan '16, 23:41

question was seen: 2,390 times

last updated: 26 Jan '16, 19:39

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum