Normally the answer is "taginfo", but (as you'd expect) that does explicit processing of semicolons. If I search for I get the one expected value back, but I'm not aware of a way of searching for any values (or keys for that matter) containing multiple semicolons. In postgres (with a "normal" rendering database) I can do:
but obviously that requires a local database and doesn't search for semicolons in keys - presumably there's a way to search the " Maybe there's a way of doing it with Overpass? EDIT: This was prompted by this taginfo discussion, as well as the related iD issue and someone "correcting" name_X tags in Ireland (the link to which I've lost). |
Taginfo doesn't have a way to do searches like that (mostly for performance reasons), but you can download the taginfo database and do the query yourself. The database is in Sqlite format and quite big, but once you have it, usage is simple and reasonably fast if you know SQL:
Overpass does indeed have regex search for keys:
( In a similar way, you can also query for nodes or relations with at least one semicolon. Edit: To check for values with at least 2 semicolons, the following regular expression might come in handy:
In any case it is recommended to also specify a suitable key like e.g. amenity, otherwise tags like opening_hours will produce quite a lot of hits. |
If you have an osm2pgsql/hstore database and want to operate on the keys, you have to explode the hstore into regular rows with the
No hstore here currently (and no "tags" column on planet_osm_point, though there is one on e.g. planet_osm_nodes) - will have to try it after reload.
(21 Jan '16, 19:13)
SomeoneElse ♦
This is probably the name_X correction you had in mind.