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I have a Vista C (plain C) that I was given. New, has a usb port, no sd card port that I can find. I do not have the mapsource cd. I do have a working usb cable. from reading various entries that I have been able to find so far; I do not seem able to set my self up as a usb disk, nor does my pc see me as a disk, camera, only as a gps device. I am using the usb drivers from garmin and have updated to v 2.7 with the web updater.

What can you tell me about my options, I understand minimal memory on device, Is there a place to get mapsource either actual or an open community version. and what websites can I access maps from. what are my options to have access to basic area maps, mainly for emergency communication exercises, finding antenna set up sites and the like. basic areas would be pages/tiles/?? of Tennessee and surrounding states. Stored on laptop, used when needed.

Thanks in advance. mike lee kj4top

asked 24 Apr '11, 00:23

mjlee105's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

It is possible to download a Mapsource upgrade for free from Garmin. If you try to install it, it will refuse saying a previous version of Mapsource is not installed, but there are ways around this. An easy way is to first download and install Garmin Training Center, then installing Mapsource will work.

You then have to get some maps for Mapsource. If you look at this page, it will list some of the OSM maps available, and which have installers to get them into Mapsource: OSM Map On Garmin/Download

Once you have some maps in Mapsource, you can then select some of the tiles, and use the "Send to device" option to load them onto Etrex. Note that as the Vista C doesn't have much memory, you will be a bit limited in how large an area you can load onto it.

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answered 24 Apr '11, 13:25

Vclaw's gravatar image

accept rate: 22%

Thanks so far, the problem is this version of the etrex legend does not have a sd card interface.

(24 Apr '11, 20:32) mjlee105

The Garmin page implies that it does have a Micro SD card interface

(25 Apr '11, 03:28) Mike N

Are we talking about an etrex Vista C or a Legend? The answer will be very different!

(25 Apr '11, 11:06) SK53 ♦

The Garmin page says "Vista C (discontinued)", but the Garmin page could be wrong.

(25 Apr '11, 12:01) Mike N

I think these are all discontinued, superseded by eTrex H* devices. The OP referred to a Vista C, but this 'answer' mentions an etrex Legend, which has no card and only 8Mbyte of internal memory.

(25 Apr '11, 14:07) SK53 ♦

This is the vista "C" model, not the legend. It only has 24mb of inbuilt memory.

I tried the first suggestion, I was able to download the fitness app and then mapsource, but so far I am not getting anywhere with the osm maps and mapquest loader. could some one walk through the steps on an actual map that I can download with the executables to see for my self. Thank

(26 Apr '11, 02:51) mjlee105
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Etrex vista has micro sd card slot in battery compartment

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answered 25 Mar '12, 13:50

akt490's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

This spec sheet suggests you have 24mb internal space but not a micro SD slot. the later Vista HCX does have a slot. This limits your options to sending smaller maps via mapsurce as Vclaw suggests.

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answered 26 Mar '12, 09:03

andy%20mackey's gravatar image

andy mackey
accept rate: 4%

The Etrex series all have the model type written above the display. The Legend and Vista can both display maps, unlike the basic Etrex. The Vista also has a compass and altimeter built in. The model name can be followed by any of three letters to denote additional features. H means the device has a high-sensitivity GPS receiver, C means it has a colour display, and X means that the internal memory can be extended using a micro-SD card. Most of the simpler variants have been discontinued over the years.

If it says 'Vista C' above the display, it does not have a micro-SD slot under the batteries, and has only 24 MB of internal memory, which effectively means that you have to load the appropriate maps before setting out on a journey.

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answered 27 Mar '12, 00:02

Madryn's gravatar image

accept rate: 13%

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question asked: 24 Apr '11, 00:23

question was seen: 9,949 times

last updated: 27 Mar '12, 00:02

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