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Hi everyone, I'm new on OSM, and I would like to know if it is possible to export selected elements, like on Google Earth, when you don't want to have all the elements like restaurants, mountains, photographs and so on, you just have to unselect it. I exported a view on this website in SVG format and I get roads, forests... and all I want is the administrative limits and the water bodies.

Thank you in advance ^^!

asked 23 Apr '11, 23:53

Guillaume%20GENETET's gravatar image

Guillaume GE...
accept rate: 0%

Openstreetmap data is not organized into layers like classic GIS program or the data layer of google earth. You can of course download only the administrative limits using the XAPI. Alternatively you can download all of the data for an area (either using JOSM or an extract of the planet dump. However you will then have to render your own map from the data. For that have a look at the wiki. Alternatively you can feed the unfiltered data to the renderer and just modify the stylesheet to only show administrative limits and the water bodies.

permanent link

answered 24 Apr '11, 09:27

petschge's gravatar image

accept rate: 21%

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question asked: 23 Apr '11, 23:53

question was seen: 5,097 times

last updated: 24 Apr '11, 09:27

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum