I am Trying to figure out how to make a non-routable map with mkgmap that will display on my Garmin Nuvi (series 50) along with a routeable map (make both files selectable in the options-->map-->info screen).
I have done this before with my state (--merge-lines not set(very, very, messy map)), but the other routable map wasn't accessible. The gps would recognize the img file but only show a description.
Currently I am trying to make a routable map and a non-routable map. I download the pbf file from geofabrik and running it through osmconvert and osmfilter, then through mkgmap to make boundary files. Finally I run the file through splitter and mkgmap to make the final map img file. (This is all run through a shell script, I run linux.)
Here is the process I go through to get the map files:
aria2c -c -imaps (maps is the text file I use to get the pbf file from geofabrik: us-west-latest.osm.pbf)
osmconvert us-west-latest.osm.pbf -o=us-west-latest.o5m
osmconvert us-west-latest.o5m --drop-author --drop-version -o=us-west-latest-version.o5m
osmfilter us-west-latest-version.o5m --keep-nodes= --keep-ways-relations="boundary=administrative =postal_code postal_code=" -o=us-west-latest-version-bounds.o5m
mv *.pbf pbf/
java -Xmx2000M -cp /usr/share/java/mkgmap/mkgmap.jar uk.me.parabola.mkgmap.reader.osm.boundary.BoundaryPreprocessor us-west-latest-version-bounds.o5m usa/bounds
java -Xmx3000M -jar /usr/share/java/splitter/splitter.jar --output-dir=/home/USER/mkgmap/usa/ --geonames-file=/home/USER/mkgmap/cities15000.zip --max-nodes=500000 --output=o5m /home/USER/mkgmap/us-west-latest-version.o5m
This is the point when mkgmap starts making the maps. This is the routeable map:
cd usa/
java -Xmx3000M -jar /usr/share/java/mkgmap/mkgmap.jar --road-name-pois --remove-short-arcs --index --add-pois-to-areas --drive-on=right --bounds=../bounds.zip --process-exits --reduce-point-density=4 --reduce-point-density-polygon=8 --min-size-polygon=12 --max-jobs=5 --unicode --process-destination --check-roundabouts --link-pois-to-ways --location-autofill=2 --merge-lines --family-name="US-West" --description="USA-West -- C:$day" --gmapsupp --route --remove-ovm-work-files --housenumbers --generate-sea=multipolygon,extend-sea-sectors,floodblocker --gmapsupp 6324*.o5m
This is the non-routeable map:
cd NRM/
java -Xmx3000M -jar /usr/share/java/mkgmap/mkgmap.jar --max-jobs=5 --bounds=../../bounds.zip --merge-lines --gmapsupp --family-name="USA-West-NRM" --description="USA West Non-Routable Map -- C:$day" --remove-ovm-work-files ../6324*.o5m
These are some of the other options I have used for mkgmap:
--reduce-point-density=4 --reduce-point-density-polygon=8 --min-size-polygon=12 --country-name="United States" --country-abbr="USA" --region-name="US West" --region-abbr="USW" --family-id=2000 (for the routable) --family-id=1500 (for the non-routeable)
I have made the family-id option different for each map but only one file is accessible.
Any hints/help would be appreciated.
Update: I recently tried the IMGs on my gps. The routeable map shows up as selectable in either with both map (non-routeable unselectable) files on the gps or just the routeable file alone. I tried the non-routeable alone and it shows up as selectable, but the gps complains that there is no detailed map on the unit.
16 Jan '16, 20:43
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