I want to add some descriptive text to trail relations using the iD editor. According to the OSM wiki, the 'description' tag is for providing additional information about the element, for the end user. Free format, up to 255 characters, but recommended to be from a few words up to 1-3 sentences. Perfect. But I can't figure out how to do this in iD. 'description' isn't one of the available tags in the upper part of the editor pane. Nor is it listed in the pull-down for Add Field. I can add it under "all tags", but there it only provides a very small entry area. (By contrast, the 'note' tag is available through Add Field, and it provides a multi-line input text area. That's what I want for Description. But 'note' is for mappers, and I don't want that.) Am I missing something, or is this just not something iD does well? |
It looks like there is a plan to add multi line support for 'description' and several other keys, and that it just hasn't happened yet: https://github.com/openstreetmap/iD/issues/1518 (That it works for 'note' indicates that it should now be possible to enable it for the keys mentioned at the link. I guess a comment that it would be useful to enable it for description might get the bug some attention.) Thanks for the reply. Issue #1518 is indeed what I was looking for. Unfortunately it doesn't seem to be a high priority. Since I do like iD (having briefly tried JOSM and determined it was too much editor for me), I will use a work-around: copy the text from my text editor, and paste it into the tiny box in iD. I tried that and it works well enough.
(16 Jan '16, 21:21)
Followup: This was fixed in iD 1.9.0 released 2016-03-01. "Description" with multi-line editor is now available. |