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I downloaded the Central America map from OSM Maps

It is gmapsupp.img. I renamed it centralamerica.img. Then I created a folder "Map" in root of NUVI 1300 and copied centralamerica.img into that folder.

I am able to zoom out of USA map to show central america and can zoom in to show central america roads.

However if I go to "where to"/address and attempt to change country it only shows Puerto Rico United States US Virgin Islands

No Central American Countries are listed

I am able to mark a Favorite and have the Nuvi locate it in Central America.

Is all this normal???

asked 23 Apr '11, 04:30

dropframe's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

What technique did you use to download the map?

Garmins typically only recognize maps named gmapsupp.img. The roads you see in Central America may be on the basemap. Try renaming your North America map and then renaming the new map back to gmapsupp.img. Some units allow two different copies of gmapsupp.img, one internal and one on SD but try that later after you confirm the problem.

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answered 25 Apr '11, 18:01

Barry%20C's gravatar image

Barry C
accept rate: 0%

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question asked: 23 Apr '11, 04:30

question was seen: 6,974 times

last updated: 25 Apr '11, 20:42

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum