Hi, I have set up a local map server. How can I remove a specific area from rendering? I want to black out some area. asked 09 Jan '16, 11:34 Reshma Maner aseerel4c26 ♦ |
Assuming you are using the standing osm2pgsql/postgis/mod_tile approach, one simple solution is to just delete the data from your database. You can write a postgis query to delete everything a specified polygon, in essense, just cut it out. If you are doing data updates (with osmosis) this might cause problems. If you want to keep the data up to date, another approach could be to save the area you don't want (Maharashtra) as a shapefile, and then configure the mapnik style to draw a white (or whatever other colour) polygon in that area. The resultant image will have that are "blocked out". Regular data updates should work in that case. answered 12 Jan '16, 10:48 rorym Thank you. I would like to go with second approach of using mapnik to draw a polygon in the area. How can I do it?
(12 Jan '16, 11:11)
Reshma Maner
One solution is to do this from your style file sql queries with postgis. answered 10 Jan '16, 08:51 yvecai |
What is your current setup? What is true shape you want to exclude from rendering?
I have set up local OSM map tile server using osmtopgsql. I have imported India map data. For example, if I want to exclude Maharashtra data, then how can I do it?
I do not want it to be displayed on my map.