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Hi, I am new to using QGis and the OpenStreetMap plugin. I'm using OSM as a tile layer only as background for another layer. When I zoom in to a location, I get very small street names and when I zoom in further they are still very small (unreadable). How can I change this? When I right click on properties of the OSM layer I get "Warning, this layer has a dialogue Properties" and I cannot change anything there.

Thanks ahead!

Gr, E. Pool

asked 05 Jan '16, 13:34

ErwinPool's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 06 Jan '16, 07:17

Please EDIT your question and tell us whether you have OSM as tile graphics as a background layer, or do you have real vector data by getting the elements via QuickOSM plugin and do the rendering by QGIS and its style file?

(05 Jan '16, 17:31) stephan75

Thanks. Edited. I don't know about QGis rendering and its style file...

(06 Jan '16, 07:19) ErwinPool

permanent link

answered 06 Jan '16, 18:58

stephan75's gravatar image

accept rate: 6%

Thanks, this pointed me in the right direction. I installed the TileMapScale plugin that's in QGis 2.8.5 Wien, activated it in the plugins menu and selected the osm_mapnik.xml, clcked on the + and removed the old OSM layer. Much better!

(07 Jan '16, 06:24) ErwinPool

Hi Erwin, I am having the same issue...the names are too small. I've loaded the plugin in QGIS, but I can't seem to get a different map with larger text to come out. I was hoping you could post a few more instructions. I selected the osm_mapnik.xml layer as you suggested, but I'm not finding a "+" to click on... I have the layer active, removed the old OSM layer, but I don't see the label size changing...any help would be most appreciated.

(19 Apr '18, 17:53) MarkatTT

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question asked: 05 Jan '16, 13:34

question was seen: 17,885 times

last updated: 19 Apr '18, 21:29

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum