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Is there any way to sort my uploaded traces by date? I have many pages of traces, most of which have a date in the title, and need to determine if a particular trace has already been uploaded so as not to duplicate it. I upload my traces with timestamps intact AFAIK, that is, "Identifiable (shown in trace list and as identifiable, ordered points with timestamps)"

Thanks Dave

asked 29 Dec '15, 04:17

AlaskaDave's gravatar image

accept rate: 16%

Hi, download them all (copy and paste from (only 20 pages), to a spreadsheet where they can be sorted by date order. Your problem will be that you have not always used the gpx date in the same manner. Also you've sometimes uploaded gpx traces years after they were made i.e. "2013--3-16 Phayao to Chiangrai via Phu Sang WF uploaded on 27-12-2015". With a little patience the dates can be rectified in the spreadsheet and sorted properly.

I always keep the date from the GPS generated gpx file untouched and place any description of the trace after it. Regards.

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answered 29 Dec '15, 07:21

BCNorwich's gravatar image

accept rate: 20%

edited 29 Dec '15, 07:25

Thanks for the help. I hadn't thought of downloading just the trace names but, as you correctly point out, I have not been consistent with my naming over the years so that's not going to be the perfect answer to my problem. I do name them consistently now. The trace you mentioned in your reply is one that I recently uploaded because I forgot to do it in 2013 when the trace was recorded and that is the reason for my query here.

Anyway, inside the GPX files the points are accurately dated and I believe this is the data Garmin's programs (Basecamp, Mapsource) use to sort them. I was hoping there was some OSM utility that might be capable of doing the same thing.

(29 Dec '15, 09:12) AlaskaDave

Once you have downloaded them you could rename the files by the creation date. A web search of "unix rename file by created date" (or linux or perl, etc) will find solution. Note that unix does not keep track of created date but it will be the last modified date instead which is probably ok too. In your case you probably want to append the current name too.

edit: you don't need to rename, but could use the unix 'ls' command to sort. ls -tr > output.txt should work

(29 Dec '15, 09:50) nevw

@nvw: BCNorwich was telling me to d/l only the filenames and once inside a spreadsheet, sort by the date I added as a prefix to many of their names. The Unix creation or modify date won't help me because these traces were not always uploaded immediately. Consequently, an older file on my computer could very well end up with a newer Unix filedate than it should.

(29 Dec '15, 12:35) AlaskaDave

Oh dear! Once again I have managed to lead myself astray.

(29 Dec '15, 13:25) nevw

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question asked: 29 Dec '15, 04:17

question was seen: 3,518 times

last updated: 29 Dec '15, 13:25

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