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Hi All,

In my country, Iran, because of difficulties in standard Persian keyboard layout especially in Microsoft Windows, users type numbers in English. Thus, in OpenStreetMap editors, either iD or JOSM, most of the numbers in "name" tags are written in English. As much as I know, this is not correct based on OSM rules. Besides, it has aesthetically problems viewing maps.

I Know that there are bots that can do repetitive tasks in OSM. I want a way (or maybe a bot) that converts English numbers in "name" tag to Persian numbers inside Iran territory.

here is Numbers table:

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

۰ ۱ ۲ ۳ ۴ ۵ ۶ ۷ ۸ ۹

asked 19 Dec '15, 21:26

kesler's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 20 Dec '15, 07:54

iii's gravatar image


(20 Dec '15, 01:42) nevw

It is certainly possible to do this automated, however getting it right tends to be a lot of work. In the past for example similar things have been done with abbreviated road names in the USA.

But before you even think about coding (as said you probably can modify one of the existing scripts) you should get agreement and support from your fellow mappers in Iran. See I realize that this may be easier said than done in a country with a small number of mappers.

permanent link

answered 21 Dec '15, 09:22

SimonPoole's gravatar image

SimonPoole ♦
accept rate: 18%

Thanks for your answer. I'm No. 1 mapper in Iran and I know that this is right. But, I don't know coding and I don't know How! If JOSM had a Search&Replace function I could do that little by little manually. But JOSM has no Replace function, too. :(

(21 Dec '15, 12:40) kesler

If you are number one or number 100 mapper doesn't really matter, OSM is a collaborative process and while we naturally value experience and knowledge you still need to work together with any other local mappers large or small and the international community. In the past ignoring this has led to situations in which things have started to go very wrong.

In any case there should be no issue with getting support from the dev community once it is clear that what you are planning to do is reasonable and well supported.

(21 Dec '15, 16:30) SimonPoole ♦

We have not connected as well as your country mappers, but we have small social network groups here yet. we have discussed this issue and almost everybody agrees. But, nobody knows how to code this.

(21 Dec '15, 22:37) kesler

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question asked: 19 Dec '15, 21:26

question was seen: 4,748 times

last updated: 21 Dec '15, 22:37

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum