Hello, there. My question is simple, but I can't find a simple answer: when mapping POI such as shops on a zone where street numbers already exist, should I map the POI on the street number node or map the POI on a separate node at the same location? My question seems rather trivial, but, strangely, I couldn't find any similar questions, so, if I missed them, please don't hit too hard. Awaiting your answers, Regards. |
Your question is not trivial :) As far as I know there is no one definitive answer, but my take would be:
Does the second possibility include shared buildings? I mean, at least here in France, downtown buildings often have a shop at the ground floor and apartments above, but, then, shop and apartments share the same address; should I anyway map the POI on a different node?
(15 Dec '15, 16:15)
Besides, if the POI is on a different node, how do I map its address? Wouldn't it create a duplicate content?
(15 Dec '15, 19:41)
I would suppose these have different subaddresses then, but the wiki pages say nothing about mapping subaddresses. If there really is only one adress for the building, with several POIs inside, wouldn't it be an option to tag the address to just the building?
(16 Dec '15, 07:30)
joost schouppe
If the addr:housenumber is a separate node I do not need to add address tags on the shop/amenity, this is usually the case when the building and the shop has different entrances. So if the only entrance to the building is through the shop I map the address tag on the shop.
(16 Dec '15, 13:24)
But, by not tagging the shop on the same node that its address, the link between the address and the shop would not be established, and that's whats bothers me; OSM allows one to add shops addresses, phone numbers and websites, but the postal address cannot be added if the building is shared? Sounds strange to me.
(16 Dec '15, 14:05)
Some software (e.g. Nominatim) can extract the address from the building (area) and assign it to the POIs inside. Other software does not do this. You can always duplicate the address information on the node of the POI. I wouldn't tag the address info on a node when it applies to the whole building, but in some countries you are not supposed to do this (e.g. Denmark) You could of course have an address node and a separate POI node with the same address in 1 building, if needed.
(17 Dec '15, 08:23)
Then I'll map the POI address in its node in addition of the address node, but I'll only put the address node in the street relation, not the POI node. Thanks for your help.
(17 Dec '15, 09:42)
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