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Ed Loach´s "Admin Boundary Analysis" service has not updated since 15 November. I contacted Ed about this and he says it´s being crippled at the moment by the "area update" issues in Overpass.

According to the Platform Status page, all three overpass instances (France, Germany, Russia) seem to be having the same problem with updating areas.

Does anyone know what is going on? Will this be fixed soon? Or will the change that caused the problem be backed out?

asked 09 Dec '15, 18:56

csmale's gravatar image

accept rate: 16%

edited 10 Dec '15, 10:32

SimonPoole's gravatar image

SimonPoole ♦


As an aside, I used to download a geofabrik extract daily, then filter to just the boundary related stuff, but Overpass proved more efficient. I should perhaps switch to using a local database and processing the daily diff files, but haven't got around to it.

(10 Dec '15, 13:12) EdLoach ♦

Platform status has been updated to suggest the German instance is OK now. I am still getting the same Gateway Timeout I've been getting since it last worked: wget -Ogreat_britain.osm "[timeout:86400];(rel"boundary";);( .;way(r););out meta;" --2015-12-11 16:04:17--[timeout:86400];(relboundary;);(%20.;way(r););out%20 meta; Resolving Connecting to||:80... connected. HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 504 Gateway Timeout 2015-12-11 16:04:33 ERROR 504: Gateway Timeout.

(11 Dec '15, 16:10) EdLoach ♦

The issue @EdLoach is facing is pretty much unrelated to the area update issue. In fact his query doesn't even use the word area in there, so there's nothing to worry about. It would have worked all the time.

Now, the reason for the 504 Gateway issue is the way too large timeout value. I'd suggest to reduce that at least down to 3600 seconds or even lower. 24hours timeout is deemed to be a resource killer by Overpass API and the query get immediately canceled.

Here's my log for the same query with 3600 seconds timeout - results returned back in 1 minute 30 seconds.

wget "[timeout:3600];(rel["boundary"](50.06419,-11.1621,59.04055,2.19727););( ._;way(r););out meta;" -O res.osm
--2015-12-11 17:11:28--[timeout:3600];(rel[boundary](50.06419,-11.1621,59.04055,2.19727););(%20._;way(r););out%20meta;
Resolving ( 2a01:4f8:131:6109::2,
Connecting to (|2a01:4f8:131:6109::2|:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: unspecified [application/osm3s+xml]
Saving to: 'res.osm'

    [                              <=>                                             ] 326,493,532 28.3MB/s   in 8.3s

2015-12-11 17:12:52 (37.6 MB/s) - 'res.osm' saved [326493532]

NB: The issue on the French server was reported some time back but I don't have an up to date status from @sly. The Russian server is facing some hard disk issues now and then. The issue on the German server was reported back in November, but I also don't have a feedback from Roland, why the update job stopped. Nevertheless, the area creation job was scheduled again on, so you should get up-to-date areas now.

permanent link

answered 11 Dec '15, 17:17

mmd's gravatar image

accept rate: 37%

edited 11 Dec '15, 18:09

Thank you! Scheduled task updated and due to run in less than an hour from now. I presume I got 86400 from some example query somewhere and as noted above it was working...

(12 Dec '15, 09:33) EdLoach ♦

Area creation on seems to have stopped again 4 days ago (see the yellow background in overpass turbo on the bottom right for queries involving areas).

Unfortunately I don't have any more details. Roland is the only person having access to production, afaik.

(22 Dec '15, 10:50) mmd

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question asked: 09 Dec '15, 18:56

question was seen: 2,729 times

last updated: 22 Dec '15, 10:50

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum