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Why I can't specify the house number when I search a destination on the Italy map? this is very disabling when the street is very long.

asked 08 Dec '15, 12:03

PasqualeG's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 10 Dec '15, 10:43

SimonPoole's gravatar image

SimonPoole ♦


What "italy map"? Can you provide us a link? And what address are you searching for? You have to give us more information.

(08 Dec '15, 12:16) scai ♦

Thanks for your answer Italy map: Italia OSM version 44-201511230 The problem happened a few monts ago. Suddenly after a map update when i serch any address i can specify the country, the city, the street but the application offers none house number. I can choice only "any". So the navigator takes me to the top of the road. If the road is short this is not a problem. But in Rome there are roads very long with thousand of house nombers. And this is a problem. Ask me if you need other specifications. Thanks

(08 Dec '15, 14:18) PasqualeG

That's still not quite clear. Where did you get this map? Which application/device are you using? OpenStreetMap is mainly just a database. There are tons of different OSM-based applications available, each of them doing things slightly different.

(08 Dec '15, 14:58) scai ♦

Ok sorry, I'm using "Map Factor Navigator Free" on my Samsung I9070 and i download maps simply clicking on "manage maps"on the main screen of "Map Factor Navigator Free". If you confirm that the "Italia OSM version 44-201511230" contains correctly the house numbers then probably it's a problem of "Map Factor Navigator Free". Thanks

(08 Dec '15, 15:14) PasqualeG

This sounds indeed like a bug of Map Factor Navigator Free if searching for an house number suddenly stops working after an update. It still works with Nominatim, see for example Piazza Domenicani 31, Bolzano.

(08 Dec '15, 15:39) scai ♦

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question asked: 08 Dec '15, 12:03

question was seen: 4,179 times

last updated: 10 Dec '15, 10:44

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