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Hi everybody,

in Munich, we have a problem with the Oktoberfest! ;-)

The situation is as follows: The Oktoberfest is taking place on a open area. During the actual Oktoberfest, you have large temporary (but solid) buildings (tents) and other infrastructure (toilets, ATMs, etc.). During the rest of the year (10/11 months), the area is empty or used for other activities and events (with temporary structures too).

Because zillions of people visit the Oktoberfest, the tents and some infrastructure were mapped, but of course, during the rest of the year, it does not makes sense, as there is nothing there or even another event (with different infrastructure).

There are different opinions about this, discussed here:

IMHO, I would delete it altogether as most of the time during the year, there is nothing, and temporary structures (of a few weeks) do not belong to OSM, even if they are visited by zillions of people

Other suggestions were using additional tags:

  • Life cycle concept - does not fit really.
  • intermittent=yes - does not fit as it is not random / by surprise like rivers ;-)
  • seasonal=autumn - is somewhat strange / rarely used
  • use start and end dates - must be updated at regular intervals, a lot of renderers do not respect it, see current screen shot below
  • opening hours - does not fit really
  • use temporary:building or similarly: does not fit as (now) there is nothing or (worse) there is something else.

Please help quickly before we restart drinking again... Btw, I am not into Oktoberfest although living in Munich.... alt text

asked 06 Dec '15, 21:20

sakudo's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 07 Dec '15, 08:54

Hi sakudo did you asked it at the DE Forum ? Read these lines for a link, Even a construction creating a D tour is not drawn / added for a short period of several weeks, with the argument that the original mapper who tagged it does not follow the progress of the work its the same for a temporarely fest. The owner could end the fest earlier as planned :-(

permanent link

answered 07 Dec '15, 15:51

Hendrikklaas's gravatar image

accept rate: 5%


No. I have not posted it there and I must admit, I am a little confused about the difference of the different fora... The issue is in Germany, but applies to other places in the world too. (And currently, the other forum seems to be down.)

(07 Dec '15, 17:52) sakudo

@sakudo: The specifics of this one are described at FAQ.

(07 Dec '15, 19:34) aseerel4c26 ♦

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question asked: 06 Dec '15, 21:20

question was seen: 3,616 times

last updated: 07 Dec '15, 19:34

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum