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I live in North Carolina, USA. We have 100 Counties, about 12 of them maintain data on neighborhoods (subdivisions). With property tax records, I can isolate all neighborhoods with a listing of their streets. I use this in a larger database where we can find and create routes for every neighborhood in the County.

In Counties that do not offer that information, I am at a loss. I would like to make an Excel file on each of the Counties and have the neighborhood name in one column and the street name in the next. With that information I could integrate the file into my database and every customer would be moved into a specific neighborhood and by using the individual street numbers I could make a delivery route.

It is not necessary to have a separate file for each county, although I believe there are more streets in North Carolina than one Excel file will hold.

asked 06 Dec '15, 16:58

LouieP's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%


is this a different question different from your previous question how-can-i-link-neighborhoods-and-streets-into-a-single-excel-or-csv-file? How?

(06 Dec '15, 17:05) aseerel4c26 ♦

No, same question but more clearly defined.

(06 Dec '15, 17:23) LouieP

Please edit your old question instead of creating a new one.

(06 Dec '15, 17:26) scai ♦

Or delete your old question.

Is the neighborhood information in Openstreetmap? And if so, as a node or a polygon. Do you really need a neighborhood? It sounds like you just want to have some spatial clusters. You could then just define some neighborhoods yourself too (obviously outside of OSM).

(07 Dec '15, 10:35) joost schouppe

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question asked: 06 Dec '15, 16:58

question was seen: 1,798 times

last updated: 07 Dec '15, 10:35

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum