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Hello, I used JOSM for a Opengeoficton project that i needed JOSM to trace over an image of a game map, but now i can edit what i need on Opengeofiction and I would like to free up as much space as possible on my pc since im upgrading to windows 10 soon. I am not sure if JOSM is actually a program on my pc since there is no uninstaller that i can find, and uninstall a program from windows 7 cant find josm, so i am just looking to how to completely remove 100% all JOSM stuff from my pc. Anyone that can help is appreciated. If im not posting this in the right place, sorry, i just need help and JOSM's website isnt helpful whatsoever.

asked 05 Dec '15, 17:33

JMAN12343610's gravatar image

accept rate: 100%

edited 05 Dec '15, 20:55

aseerel4c26's gravatar image

aseerel4c26 ♦


you're at the right place here. Do you have a JOSM icon somewhere on your PC? Look in its properties to which location it points to find where JOSM is.

How you can uninstall JOSM depends how you installed JOSM and if you installed JOSM at all, since JOSM can be run directly from the web with Java Webstart (at ).

(05 Dec '15, 19:05) aseerel4c26 ♦

Yes, when i click on properties/file location of JOSM on my desktop, it brings me to the program files for Java, and highlights javaws.

(05 Dec '15, 20:22) JMAN12343610

Note that the JOSM program itself is quite small (10MB here), unless you also want to uninstall the Java runtime (which may be used by other programs).

What takes a lot more space is JOSM's data cache (and to a lesser degree, preferences, plugins, etc) which takes 1.7G on my machine (your mileage will vary). I'm not sure where this is stored on Windows, probably somewhere in your user's "application data" folder. Look for a folder with a "preferences.xml" file and "cache" and "plugins" subfolders. Delete this manually.

(07 Dec '15, 09:54) Vincent de P... ♦

On Windows the JOSM profile will probably be in C:\Users\ (username) \AppData\Roaming\JOSM , where " (username) " is your user name.

(07 Dec '15, 10:28) SomeoneElse ♦

I just figured it out, I had to delete JOSM thru the Java control panel found at window's control panel.

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answered 05 Dec '15, 20:28

JMAN12343610's gravatar image

accept rate: 100%

fine, javaws is java WebStart. So you did not "install" it, but started it directly. Could be that your Java system keeps a cached copy of the josm.jar file. Just delete it. And somewhere there may also be a settings and imagery cache directory. Just delete it too. For me the ~/.josm/cache directory is currently 728 MiB. JOSM itself is just about 10 MB in size - so that would not really matter. :-)

(05 Dec '15, 20:50) aseerel4c26 ♦

Hi, my JOSM uninstall is here :- "C:\Program Files (x86)\JOSM\uninstall.exe" After uninstall you'd best delete the JOSM folder.

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answered 05 Dec '15, 18:20

BCNorwich's gravatar image

accept rate: 20%

I dont seem to have a specific JOSM file under program files. There are however JOSM files in the Java/bin/ folder, but i cant find any uninstall files there

(05 Dec '15, 18:37) JMAN12343610

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question asked: 05 Dec '15, 17:33

question was seen: 6,760 times

last updated: 07 Dec '15, 10:29

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