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I followed the instructions here to install nominatim:

But no matter the query, search.php always displays "No search results found".

I used a Luxembourg extract (osm file). I have some Luxembourgish rows in the "place" table (this table has 76175 rows). The "placex" table has only 32388 rows. Its "street" and "country_code" columns only contain empty values.

When I run the sql query:

"SELECT distinct calculated_country_code street FROM placex"

I get only two rows:


(I would expect a row with the "lu" country code, but no, it doesn't appear)

Any idea what step could have gone wrong?

A query like for example, gives no result, which is strange since I should have all the data from Luxembourg.

asked 03 Dec '15, 01:55

unecordesvp's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 05 Dec '15, 00:10

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question asked: 03 Dec '15, 01:55

question was seen: 1,891 times

last updated: 05 Dec '15, 00:10

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