Hi there, I'd like something that duplicates Nominatim's reverse-geo-coding functionality, either through the same database or through another one (I've been working on this for so long that I'm not that choosey any more). It should be an URL based API, free, allowing for as many requests as possible. I would prefer something that doesn't track the user as I will be sending many of these requests from the web end (JavaScript) but it also needs to be PHP compatible. The website I'm working on will likely get more than 1500 requests a day so OpenCage doesn't seem to be an option. The reverse-geo-coding will need to be address specific so caching will have little affect. Finally, the server I'm running this on doesn't have enough space for a copy of planet.osm so I cannot use a local Nominatim. Thanks, MyUser |
Maybe you can fins some alternative services via the OSM wiki at Search_engines. Read instructions and terms of use for each service cearfully! |
I think you may be confusing free (as in speech) with free (as in beer). The data and software you need for doing OSM geocoding is free for the taking, but running stuff on a server costs money and you haven't offered a compelling reason why somebody should pay that money for you?