Hi there, I want to use all the OSM GPX-data in Baden-Württemberg (Germany) for my research. To obtain the latest data I am trying to download the files from https://www.openstreetmap.org/traces. I am not sure if this is the most simple way or if there will be problems with the server when I am downloading all GPX-data worldwide. Does anybody have an idee on my problems. Elke Erhardt |
You could use JOSM to download all the data in your region. ... or use the API call which is used by JOSM. ;-) However, it may be a too large area to request from the server in one go.
(13 Dec '15, 21:36)
aseerel4c26 ♦
Elke please use the GPX dumps from http://planet.openstreetmap.org/gps/ 2
That's GPX point data - which might be what the questioner wants, or might not.
(28 Nov '15, 22:31)
SomeoneElse ♦
True, the alternative would be to approach the system admins for a suggestion if the full tracks are needed.
(28 Nov '15, 23:28)
SimonPoole ♦
The Planet-GPX-File is from April 2013 and I need the current data as well. I want to analyse the GPX data for time spend within forests. So i neet the GPX track and the point data with time and date stamp. I try to contact the system admins. Thanks for your answers.
(30 Nov '15, 09:13)
What do you want to use the GPX data for? That will likely determine what data will work for you and where you can get it from. Will just unconnected GPS points do (if so, consider asking Strava too)? Do you want connected, ordered points? Do you need individual timestamps (to get speed information)?