I wish to enable printing tactile maps for blind people, using mostly likely a 3D printer. The initial goal is to produce maps that are suitable for pedestrian navigation, and so cover an area from a few hundred meters to some two kilometers across. The solution should be easily usable by the blind people themselves, thus will eventually include an accessible web site that produces files ready for 3D printing, and no manual customization of the map contents should be needed. The easiest implementation appears to be to extend OSM2World. The required changes are at least:
My question is: does it make sense to extend OSM2World, or should I look into some other pieces of the OpenStreetMap ecosystem? |
The question has been closed for the following reason "moved to the forum, as it seems to be more suitable for this kind of question" by aseerel4c26 27 Nov '15, 20:48
The help site is not really a good place for such an involved question, I would suggest presenting your project on the dev mailing list (see lists.openstreetmap.org). |
I posted this question to the 3D sub-forum: http://forum.openstreetmap.org/viewtopic.php?pid=563374