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How do you tag a (temporary) Christmas tree shop?

My guess would be something like that:


name=the name of the shop


opening_hours=Nov-Dec 08:00-20:00

Any other suggestions?

asked 23 Nov '15, 19:01

ALE's gravatar image

accept rate: 14%

edited 23 Nov '15, 19:02

How about seasonal=yes ?

(23 Nov '15, 20:08) Hendrikklaas

As your question shows, you have likely already found this wikipage which documents christmas specific tagging (and which currently lacks a suggestion for places where to buy trees):

I find the wording "shop" a little bit unfortunate for this kind of business, because the vast majority I am aware of are operating in the open (i.e. they are not "shops" because they are not inside a building and usually not even provide any kind of structure).

My suggestion would be: xmas:feature=tree_vendor or something similar (avoiding the word "shop").

permanent link

answered 24 Nov '15, 12:48

dieterdreist's gravatar image

accept rate: 3%


I've never thought of one of the requirements of a shop was that it has to be inside a building?

(24 Nov '15, 12:50) SomeoneElse ♦

as it's a shop? Maybe a roof can suffice, but nothing at all wouldn't be called a 'shop', would it?

(24 Nov '15, 14:27) dieterdreist

Depends on the culture and the weather (you only need a roof if it rains a lot) - if you can always buy stuff from the same people there, I'd say something was a shop.

(24 Nov '15, 14:52) SomeoneElse ♦

you also need a roof to protect you from the sun. If it's open air or with booths I would likely call it a market, especially if it's on a square and there's lots of this. Do the English call the vendors on an outside market 'shops'?

(24 Nov '15, 15:06) dieterdreist

Is there a container and a fence around the area, the container to shelter the merchandise, little trees and equipment ? What about building=static_caravan / container and tag the area as retail. The larger trees will be outside untill theyre sold.

(24 Nov '15, 16:19) Hendrikklaas

On I have seen that in Germany tree shops are tagged as



I would sugguest to add:

name=the name of the shop

opening_hours=Nov-Dec 08:00-20:00


permanent link

answered 30 Nov '15, 16:48

ALE's gravatar image

accept rate: 14%

edited 30 Nov '15, 17:00

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question asked: 23 Nov '15, 19:01

question was seen: 3,528 times

last updated: 30 Nov '15, 17:00

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