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How to tag a high voltage concrete transmission towers like this (220 kV)alt text

and this (110 kV)

:alt text

power=tower or power=pole?

asked 21 Nov '15, 17:43

pokakukam's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 21 Nov '15, 19:36


did you mean power=tower instead of power=pylon (check taginfo)?

(21 Nov '15, 19:11) aseerel4c26 ♦

In general power=pole is used to mark smaller masts, while power=tower is reserved for bigger structures. This makes it for example easier for data consumers to judge the importance of the support with regards to the landscape. In practice this approach means that the differentiation between pole & tower is relatively closely tied to the voltage of the line carried by a structure. Most of the time lines of triple-digit voltage are suppported on towers, in the range of 50-100 kV I'd say it can get a little bit fuzzy and below that it's mostly poles. But as always there are exceptions...

So what does that mean in your case? Well, although your first picture is missing an obvious reference to estimate the height of the tower, comparing its insulators to those in your other picture, I think it's quite clear that it's at least as high if not higher. Now the second image definitely shows a big tower, that stands out between all those trees and buildings and of course the voltages you mention are another hint. So this is how I would tag them:

  • power=tower
  • material=concrete
  • (probably structure=solid , not 100% sure if such a pole-like concrete tower can be hollow; in that case the value would be tubular, I think)
  • design=asymmetric/barrel (1./2. tower)
permanent link

answered 18 Feb '16, 22:07

TOGA's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Hi pokakukam, take a look here, its Francois Lacombes as far as I remember work and he’s specialized in power lines. So if you can’t work it out yourself ask him directly.

permanent link

answered 21 Nov '15, 20:53

Hendrikklaas's gravatar image

accept rate: 5%

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question asked: 21 Nov '15, 17:43

question was seen: 7,586 times

last updated: 18 Feb '16, 22:07

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