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asked 16 Nov '15, 05:45

g4qber's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 16 Nov '15, 12:49

Lightsider's gravatar image



we cannot use google maps and don't want to because we want to be (or are already) better, more accurate, more detailed than google maps.

(16 Nov '15, 06:20) aseerel4c26 ♦

what is wrong with the street? What should be updated? Do you know this street in reality?

(16 Nov '15, 06:20) aseerel4c26 ♦

The road name to the right of Marmion Ave is Peony Boulevard. The use of Google maps is only to cross reference the information since it is missing on Open street map.

There are also quite a number of roads that are not present in OSM in that area. eg. Kakadu Rd, Morwell St, Avon Rd

(16 Nov '15, 06:38) g4qber

also can compare with

(16 Nov '15, 06:39) g4qber

"The use of Google maps is only to cross reference the information since it is missing on Open street map." That's not a cross reference, that's copyright violation. You can't just copy the name from Google Maps if it is missing in OSM.

(16 Nov '15, 12:28) scai ♦

To add to Hendrikklaas' answer: street names on OpenStreetMap are based on a local surveys of an area (i.e. walking/driving around, writing down street names). Which means that you can only add street names that you have personal knowledge of; we are not allowed to copy information from copyrighted sources (e.g. Google maps, road atlases, etc).

Therefore, if you have local knowledge of these street names, then please update them! You can click on the "Edit" button on to use the built-in ID editor. The editor should be fairly easy to use; if you'd like more help I can recommend the tutorials at LearnOSM. There is no need to "prove" to anyone that you are adding correction information; we trust our users (and mistakes will likely be corrected by other mappers) - although you are of course more than welcome to ask questions if you're unsure! See how we map for more information.

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answered 16 Nov '15, 13:11

Lightsider's gravatar image

accept rate: 42%

edited 16 Nov '15, 14:49

Hi g4qber, start surveying bit by bit the Marmion Ave or Peony Boulevard, yourself and add it to OSM please. You've already made an account ! ;-) That’s what OSM is all about. Make your own survey to improve the map (database) in general

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answered 16 Nov '15, 09:50

Hendrikklaas's gravatar image

accept rate: 5%

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question asked: 16 Nov '15, 05:45

question was seen: 2,576 times

last updated: 16 Nov '15, 17:53

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum