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hello i am new to issues of maps and I doubt I could import a map to Postgres with PostGIS and I would like to query the database to give me the latitude and longitude having the address and numbering their respective city

asked 10 Nov '15, 15:56

malg001's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

It seems that you are looking for an OSM based geocoder engine, so you enter an address with street and city, and you want to have target coordinates, right?

See the OSM wiki about Search Engines to get a list of all OSM based or related services.

permanent link

answered 10 Nov '15, 17:37

stephan75's gravatar image

accept rate: 6%

yes, that's what I need and these search engines can connect to local mode using a map, and imported Geofabrik Postgres?

(10 Nov '15, 17:40) malg001

Your question does not make sense. If you want to install a local search engine, you need to install one of the software packages listed on the wiki page, and you can then use any OSM data file, from Geofabrik or elsewhere, to load data into your geocoder. However, if you have already imported data into PostgreSQL, that will not help you; every search engine uses their own data format and you have to follow the import procedure for the search engine that you choose.

(13 Nov '15, 22:47) Frederik Ramm ♦

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question asked: 10 Nov '15, 15:56

question was seen: 8,003 times

last updated: 13 Nov '15, 22:47

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum