I am trying doing it in two ways and failing both. I am drawing maps with OSM data and a database imported by imposm. The issue is that I have no milestones in the database. Is there anyway to get them into the database? I have seen the imposm-mapping.py that is the one mapping from OSM data to the imposm datamodel but I found no documentation on it. I am also doing some tests with nominatim database and in "place" table I filter by "class=highway" and "type=milestone" but less than 300 milestones found to all spain (I am using spain-last). Maybe I am missing the way of getting milestones from nominatim. Should I use another filter or could milestones be taged other way? Does anyone drawn milestones using Nominatim datamodel? asked 09 Nov '15, 12:56 Juanma MR |
According to this Overpass API query there are currently 551 nodes tagged as highway=milestone in Spain. Don't expect every existing milestone to be mapped in OSM, most people don't really care about or need them.
I for one adore milestones and have tagged many of them in Thailand. I use highway=milestone and add a tag for distance and tags for inscriptions in both Thai and English if one is present. I especially like the ones that indicate the beginning of a highway, those that have a distance of 0 km marked on them. I've tagged 231 of those so far.