I am enclosing the neighborhoods of my city ([Campo Grande-MS / Brazil][1]) through relationships. In some cases, the limits / boundaries of the suburbs go exactly by pre-existing areas (eg military areas, airports, forests, etc.) Can I use parts of these areas (cutting them) as part of the boundaries of the suburbs in the relations? And without that this will interfere with the area? My question is partly because of the cut an area, it becomes a line, and can interfere with the way it will be stylized by the browser. When I create borders through relations try to use pre-existing natural elements (roads, rivers, fields, etc.) by adding lines only when necessary, following the practice of: "why creating another element if there is already one there?" In fact I've done it, as links below. And I realized that there is a difference in the way the area is shown in the standard map and in edit mode.
The edits look generally reasonable, the military base is not showing up on the standard map because there is a small gap in the relation: http://www.openstreetmap.org/relation/5638018#map=19/-20.47106/-54.65796 I found the issue by opening the relation in JOSM and using the validator, another way is this tool, which shows similar errors. Edit to add: there was a gap right there, someone decided it urgently needed fixing. |