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If I produced a printed map that included a combination of some OSM Data and other royalty free OpenData, would I be able to sell this commercially, and if so how would I fulfil the 'Share Alike' obligation.

asked 06 Nov '15, 10:27

timgoods's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Thank you for your answers. As the commercial product would be a combination of OSM and another royalty free dataset, would the 'Share Alike' obligation be achieved by the fact that both these elements of the commercial product are available to anybody, but as separate products. The commercial aspect would be in the time and expertise spent bringing these two datasets together.

(10 Nov '15, 10:52) timgoods

Share alike is about the data. You are not allowed to take Openstreetmap data, make it better, and then keep the better version for yourself. But you can take the data, print it and sell the print. Say, you're making a map of schools and you enrich OSM data with another dataset of schools, you have to share that data. But noone is going to ask you to give away printed versions of that data away for free.

As to the finesses, I'm not sure. Can you charge for downloading the combined data from your server? No idea. Here's the short version:

permanent link

answered 06 Nov '15, 16:57

joost%20schouppe's gravatar image

joost schouppe
accept rate: 12%

the link to the license of the data is the most important bit in joost's answer - @timgoods: you should read the full license text for the OSM data and all your other data sources and understand the texts. may help a bit.

No one here can provide you with a legally binding answer. You may want to consult a lawyer specialized in copyright law.

permanent link

answered 07 Nov '15, 17:37

aseerel4c26's gravatar image

aseerel4c26 ♦
accept rate: 18%

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question asked: 06 Nov '15, 10:27

question was seen: 2,598 times

last updated: 10 Nov '15, 17:30

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