Hi I have been unable to register to the OSM Romania forum due to new users not being accepted at the moment. There I would like to post some of the import issues (similar to my Bulgaria posting yesterday) that I have identified with Romania for ESRI. Please see the attached map, I would say approximately 50-60% of forests are not appearing. Some example locations
Also when I try to query these features on the OSM website, despite showing, they do not select and appear in the enclosing query results. Many thanks asked 05 Nov '15, 13:18 Jon2709 |
Issues are currently being resolved and updated. Thanks OSM team. answered 06 Nov '15, 09:24 Jon2709 I am not sure who is fixing them, maybe @SomeoneElse, but I can query some of the data and have been able to import some of the missing features this morning.
(06 Nov '15, 10:21)
Can you give an example of an OSM object (node, way or relation number) that is giving you problems?
OSMID 86092363 which is part northern boundary of the way for one of the forest areas.
I hope this helps
I suspect that you're talking about http://www.openstreetmap.org/way/86092363 . That's an "outer" of http://www.openstreetmap.org/relation/1283094 .
That whole area looks like another advert for "how not to import data into OSM", but that unfrtunately doesn't help you at all :)
Please say whether this is a node/way/relation: osm_id's are NOT unique, and ideally provide the link. I can guess that this is probably a way id, the relevant relation is http://www.openstreetmap.org/relation/1283094
Hi someoneelse - yes, and I see that I can now select the relation.
SK53 - before I could not select the relation that you refer to, I could only see the way. There are a lot of forests throughout Romania which I cannot query the features.
I am still very new to OSM data and will provide links in the future.
What should I do with the other issues for Romania? Provide a list of all the links, where I see issues with the relations?
Many thanks all for the help, greatly appreciated.