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I walked a trail with GPS in Iceland that is an official path and isn't on OSM yet. So I wanted to add the route as a walking path. I trimmed the gpx so that only the new part is uploaded (krafla.gpx). Now I want to add the route to OSM (and edit a little to join them to others paths, delete trackpoint that are off the path). If I choose "edit", Potlach opens with my uploaded track as a thin light blue line, but I cannot edit or select this line, while I can select and edit other existing paths…

Can someone help me out or link a tutorial?

asked 19 Apr '11, 12:32

JoStof's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

If you want to turn a GPS track into a way in Potlatch 2, you need to alt-click it. That will bring (a section of) the line through to the editable map, where you can tag it accordingly and connect it to other ways.

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answered 19 Apr '11, 12:38

Richard's gravatar image

Richard ♦
accept rate: 18%

Thanks, I added the route, still some problems with connecting the first and last node to the existing paths.

(19 Apr '11, 13:36) JoStof

Your uploaded .gpx trace should appear as a thin green line. Use this as a guide to 'draw' a new way. Click to draw, use as many or as few clicks as you need to make a smooth line, one click = one node. Then label the way as a path, road, whatever. Please feel free to PM me for any help, I had same problems when I started. It's easy, but not obvious.

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answered 19 Apr '11, 13:40

Tom%20Layo's gravatar image

Tom Layo
accept rate: 0%

Thanks, I connected the paths. The new trail doesn't show on OSM yet, is there an update/approval delay?

(19 Apr '11, 14:30) JoStof

Yes, the update depends on how many times the location is accessed. Also, you should respond as a 'comment', rather than a new answer. Don't worry, this will get very easy.

(19 Apr '11, 15:43) Tom Layo

I forgot to mention, you do not need to edit the gpx file. Just upload them. More traces means more accuracy. The best way will be an average of them.

(19 Apr '11, 15:54) Tom Layo

It is easy. Go to "Vector file" in Background and change the "Style" for Enhanced. The track is showed as a thick gray line that can be edited.

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answered 01 Oct '11, 01:28

Valdir%20Rodrigues%20Barbosa's gravatar image

Valdir Rodri...
accept rate: 0%

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question asked: 19 Apr '11, 12:32

question was seen: 5,411 times

last updated: 01 Oct '11, 01:28

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum