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I used the Overpass API to export map data and have noticed that several nodes are outside of the bounds specified in the request. Am I correct in assuming that this is because they belong to a way that is inside the bounding box, and are included for completeness? If so, is the entire way included or only the closest node outside of the bounding box?


asked 04 Nov '15, 11:42

TimH_'s gravatar image

accept rate: 0%


The answer depends a bit on your query. Can you add that detail to your question please. Best is to use a share link in

(04 Nov '15, 12:08) mmd

As far as I am aware, there are included to compete the data from within the bounded box, but only the nodes necessary to do this are included, not the entire way.

permanent link

answered 04 Nov '15, 19:15

Rossendale%20Gary's gravatar image

Rossendale Gary
accept rate: 20%

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question asked: 04 Nov '15, 11:42

question was seen: 3,923 times

last updated: 04 Nov '15, 19:15

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum