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Hi All,

I have been importing OSM data into ESRI ArcGIS and I am noticing in some places features are missing (mainly Polygons).

I am importing data from geofabrik Bulgaria.osm.pbf but comparing the attached image in ESRI to the osm data, there appears to be a lot of the wood or forest areas missing in the south of Bulgaria. Also looking at the raw polygon files imported there are no polygons present, but there are linear features which seem to match the wood boundaries.

Are there possible issues that the Areas features are not being imported or created from the nodes and can this be fixed?

Many thanks


alt text

asked 03 Nov '15, 12:39

Jon2709's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Hi All,

It seems that I have identified the possible problem,

I will have a look at the Tag area=yes and see if these ways are closed or multipolygons

If anyone has further info, please share.



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answered 03 Nov '15, 13:21

Jon2709's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%


I wouldn't read too much into "the future of areas" - it doesn't really have much bearing on OSM as it is now. There is no area datatype, and you can't rely on closed ways having an "area=yes" tag.

(03 Nov '15, 13:59) SomeoneElse ♦

I have now noticed that the majority of these issues have now been resolved since I posted. The Bulgaria.osm has been updated and now all forests are importing into ESRI.

Thank you for the updates!!

I am working on Eastern Europe and would be very glad to share any issues that I come across to help improve the quality of the data.

Please let me know how I should post these issues.



(04 Nov '15, 15:56) Jon2709

That depends on the kind of issue. If you spot a specific mistake, you're best of making a "Note" (available on the main website, right hand side of the map) describing the problem. If it is something more general, a good plpace to start might be the country specific mailing list or forum

(04 Nov '15, 16:06) joost schouppe

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question asked: 03 Nov '15, 12:39

question was seen: 4,220 times

last updated: 04 Nov '15, 16:13

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum