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When I search for a specific housenumber that isn`t matched yet, nominatim will only return a location somewhere on this street. Is there something like a 'matching level' to help me indicate those results?

asked 02 Nov '15, 10:12

mmyers's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

Yes, if you request a format=jsonv2 response there will be a place_rank element and if that has a value of 30, you've struck a house number.

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answered 02 Nov '15, 10:53

Frederik%20Ramm's gravatar image

Frederik Ramm ♦
accept rate: 23%

Thanks, but this rank is not related to my search query. I am looking for a criteria to determine the results quality according to the address I entered.

I am processing many requests automatically and want only to use exact matches.

(02 Nov '15, 11:40) mmyers

If your query contains a house number and you get a place_rank of 30 then it is an exact match, and if you get a different place rank then it is not. -- If your query is less precise, i.e. you are only asking for a road in the first place, then you have to analyse your queries before (i.e. you have to know what place_rank your query is asking for) and then compare the rank you got with what you expected.

(02 Nov '15, 13:32) Frederik Ramm ♦

Yes, that is the problem.

I am getting queries as non-structured requests (at least street + housenumber) and have problems to decide if a street or a house is meant. For example: There are streetnames including numbers, like 'portstreet 4', where the number is not a housenumber.

I was thinking nominatim could identify that the result is not matching the whole query and presenting this in some kind of quality.

Guess I have to solve this by forcing structured requests.

(02 Nov '15, 15:36) mmyers

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question asked: 02 Nov '15, 10:12

question was seen: 2,859 times

last updated: 02 Nov '15, 15:36

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