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Managed setting up a tile server on Ubuntu by following those instructions:

However there is a requirement to create such tile server on RedHat instead. Using: Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 5.10 (Tikanga)

Did anyone try and succeeded in doing something similar?

asked 01 Nov '15, 21:15

vvv13's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 01 Nov '15, 21:16

Hi, welcome! Could you please clearly state a question and please keep FAQ in mind.

(02 Nov '15, 18:44) aseerel4c26 ♦

I don't believe you'll find similar packages for Redhat. Someone who tried building from source a couple of years ago hit a problem:

I suspect that's a work-aroundable problem, and it'd be great if when you do work around it you stick an answer to the previous help question :)

(02 Nov '15, 18:57) SomeoneElse ♦

Using RedHat 5 or CentOS 5 will be an interesting experience. Because the software that comes with the distribution is so ancient, you will have to build most software yourself. Assuming that you want to use a relatively recent style, you will need to compile this at a minimum

  • GCC 4.8+ (C++11 support)
  • Autotools
  • boost
  • python
  • GEOS
  • PROJ.4
  • PostgreSQL (9.1+)
  • PostGIS (2.0+)
  • osm2pgsql
  • libicuuc
  • libfreetype
  • libharfbuzz
  • libfreetype (thanks to a bootstrapping issue with harfbuzz)
  • Mapnik
  • Renderd
  • nodejs
  • npm
  • Apache

This list is certainly not complete. There are no guides that will spell out what you need to do. You might find RPMs for some of this software from other RPM sources.

Expect to encounter issues that no one else has, and expect to have to solve them yourself. I've run tile servers on CentOS 6 and it was difficult enough.

You might be able to pay a consultant to do this, but they'd charge hourly since it'd take an unknown amount of time.

Unless you have significant RedHat experience within your organization, don't try this. Use RedHat/CentOS 7 or another distribution.

An alternative would be to try to use really old versions of everything. This probably isn't easier, and would get you a tile server that can't run modern styles (or import recent OSM data, thanks to 32-bit limits!).

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answered 14 Nov '15, 01:19

pnorman's gravatar image

accept rate: 18%

edited 14 Nov '15, 01:21

Setting up a tile server on RedHat is definitely possible, I have done it many times. It might require compiling some resources from scratch because there's no ready-made packages; sometimes you can just get a Fedora SRPM and rpmbuild --rebuild that or so.

I hope you don't expect a 10-page setup tutorial in response to your question but if you get stuck on something particular, feel free to place a precise question on this forum.

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answered 13 Nov '15, 23:30

Frederik%20Ramm's gravatar image

Frederik Ramm ♦
accept rate: 23%

@Frederik Ramm, It would be very helpful if you provide any series of steps to achive tile server installation in rhel.

(11 Feb '16, 06:57) Naren970

Afraid I might have overlooked the version number 5 requirement in your message; I certainly never installed a tile server on RHEL5. You will likely not be able to set up a modern tile server on this system; I think your best bet might be to get hold of the 0.7 version of Mapnik and start with compiling that, resolving all the dependencies like boost etc.; once you've managed that, renderd and mod_tile should be relatively easy. Then you'll want to get an older version of osm2pgsql and an older version of the OSM map style (not openstreetmap-carto but from when it still was an XML style), that will work with Mapnik 0.7.

(11 Feb '16, 08:42) Frederik Ramm ♦

Hi, Really interesting that there is no even one good instruction to Setup openstreetmap on Redhat.

(14 May '18, 15:38) ArashArteman

Please don't post answers like this. This belongs in the comments section. Try docker first and then post your results.

(14 May '18, 16:38) gfitz

@gfitz: I converted @ArashArteman's 'answer' to a comment.

(14 May '18, 21:30) SK53 ♦

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question asked: 01 Nov '15, 21:15

question was seen: 8,159 times

last updated: 14 May '18, 21:30

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum