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Hello everyone, Even though my map is set to allow anyone to edit, and I can actually edit it anonymously on, whenever I'm trying to edit it in an iframe on another website where it's embedded, I get this error: "action not allowed" (translated from french). I get the error only when saving changes.

And I have to say that the website where the map is embedded is accessed localy, but it does access the internet to display the map with no issue. So my website is actually only http://localhost

Is this error normal or should I be able to anonymously edit this map? Here it is:

I hope someone could enlighten me...

Edit: Here is a picture of the error after creating a new marker and trying to save it in the iframe alt text

Edit 2: Here are the iframe element parameters (I removed the first iframe tag because it wouldn't display the code correctly):

width="980px" height="550px" frameBorder="0" src="">

asked 31 Oct '15, 01:22

racco's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 31 Oct '15, 11:21

I am not sure if I understand correctly (maybe a screenshot of your error would help). Can you do your edits in the iframe but then saving results in an error?

In the iframe code generated by umap there is a HTTP GET parameter "allowEdit" which is set to "false". Set it it to "true" and try again. So, this:

But this just controls the UI elements for editing, if you can do edits but just not save, then this is not your issue

(31 Oct '15, 10:07) aseerel4c26 ♦

that's right, I can do my edits in the iframe, but when saving it says "action not allowed with a red bar. I added a screenshot as you suggested. And also setting "scaleControl" to "true" as suggested doesn't help ...

(31 Oct '15, 11:01) racco

thanks for your answer. unfortunatly setting the "scaleControl" parameter to "true" in the iframe doesn't solve the problem. Your exemple link still has "scaleControl" set to "false" by the way ;) I added my iframe code in the OP too.

(31 Oct '15, 11:04) racco

@racco: sorry, I copied the wrong one, I meant "allowEdit"

(31 Oct '15, 21:45) aseerel4c26 ♦

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question asked: 31 Oct '15, 01:22

question was seen: 4,770 times

last updated: 31 Oct '15, 21:49

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum