Hi! I was about to do my first edits (add a few sidewalks), but when switched to edit I noticed that my whole neighborhood has offset comparing to aerial imagery. Here you can clearly see that road didn't match itself, offset is about 5 meters – http://www.openstreetmap.org/edit#map=18/59.68428/30.43226 What should i do? Draw my sidewalks ignoring mismatch? |
Hi, welcome to OSM! Either the aerial imagery is at a wrong position or the current OSM data (if people forgot/did not have the sources for enough alignment) or both. You should try to find out by also looking at gps traces (there are many already uploaded in your area). If you are unsure, please align the aerial imagery (all our editors offer this feature) to fit the pre-existing OSM data in this area and then start to do your new sidewalks. See https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Good_practice#Align_Aerial_Imagery_before_Tracing (section "Align Aerial Imagery before Tracing") . Or bing-osm-and-my-waypoints-all-misaligned-who-do-i-trust or aligning-roads-to-proper-location or alignment-of-track-vs-background-imagery and more older questions here on this site. |
From looking at edits in the linked area http://www.openstreetmap.org/history#map=19/59.68370/30.43174 I think that the person asking the question's using iD, so the screenshot above should help.
(30 Oct '15, 12:13)
SomeoneElse ♦
(semi-offtopic) By the way: note, that it may be more useful to map sidewalks "as refinement to a highway" object, so you do not need to "draw" new object if you want to add sidewalk information.