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Hi guys I promise this is the last question I ask of nominatim!!

I have a new machine with 500 gb HD and 16 gb RAM. I will install centOS 6.6 on this and I would like to know how to partition the drive.

Because if I do the normal configuration as follow:

50 gb root
'a little' for boot
32 gb swap
'rest' for /usr or /home

And I will install postgresql by yum, I will need to create a cluster for postgres because, with yum, the data folder will be placed under /var/lib/pgsql/9.4/data and I think this is under /root

Than is madness to create a system as follows:

'a little' for boot
32 gb swap
rest for /root

?? What would be the optimum configuration knowing that I have to install postgres with yum??

Thanks a lot

asked 28 Oct '15, 11:33

giacomo-keybiz's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

edited 29 Oct '15, 14:05

How can /var/lib/pgsql/9.4/data be located under /root? These are completely different paths. Usually /root will never ever contain any large data, just a few tiny config files. I think misread root to be /root although it was meant to refer to '/' which is also called the root directory.

(28 Oct '15, 11:43) scai ♦

Yes Scai you're right. I mean "/" partition. The problem is that if I create a default centOS machine the system will configurate as follow (for example on a 500gb disk):

50 gb for / or /root
500 mb for /boot
4 gb for /swap
rest for /home

Then when I go to install postgresql by yum, it put the data folder under /var/lib/pgsql/9.4/ and it is surely under "/" because it has 50gb free space.

Now I can't install postgresql manually and I need more space for the data folder, then I create a postgres cluster but I prefer don't do it again...

For these reasons I asked if there is an optimal configuration for this job (nominatim). The machine is been created just for this. Is a server in wich I will install just nominatim and graphhopper.. stop.


(29 Oct '15, 14:06) giacomo-keybiz

Then assign more space for "/" during installation and less to /home which you won't really need. There is no "optimal" configuration, just make sure you have enough disk space for your database. It won't run faster or slower if you assign more or less space to /boot or /swap.

(29 Oct '15, 14:33) scai ♦

From memory Redhat and derivatives have always had that "odd" approach to partitioning. Given that you won't have huge /home directories, I'd explicity remove those and allocate "the rest of the disk" to /, since you don't want to create an artifical point of failure where a partition is full. How hard the installation process will make this task for you I don't know, because I haven't installed a vanilla Redhat system for a while.

One other thing to watch for - check the version of any frequently-updated package (such as Postgres) that yum offers against the latest source version to make sure you aren't installing a very out-of-date version. I don't know that it'll be a problem, but it's something to check.

You've probably already seen the page in the wiki; if not:

permanent link

answered 29 Oct '15, 14:32

SomeoneElse's gravatar image

SomeoneElse ♦
accept rate: 16%

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question asked: 28 Oct '15, 11:33

question was seen: 2,807 times

last updated: 29 Oct '15, 14:34

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