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I want to use overpass to get all relations in a specific relation. I know there will be at least three levels: relation A holds relation B which holds relation C. But when I use the relation recurse in overpass twice, I do not get relation B, I only get the relations that do not hold any relations in them.
My query is:


Without recurse, the relation that gets returned is 360309. With one recurse I get all the relations in it, e.g. 5617486 which is a relation that holds two relations. With two recurses, I get the relations that are held by 5617486, but I do not get 5617486 anymore.
Is there a way to get also relation 5617486 (and similar "intermediate" relations)?

asked 28 Oct '15, 10:12

Maarten%20Deen's gravatar image

Maarten Deen
accept rate: 0%

out; will only return the current inputset, in this case the result of the last rel(r);. If you want the result of both rel(r); you need to put both statements inside a union block:

( rel(r); rel(r); );

Maybe you should also take a look at recurse down relations (or for short: >>; ). This avoids manual resolution of nested relations, like you did in your example. Please refer to the wiki for details.

Another option would the complete statement, which is currently only available on the test instance: it can be leveraged to automatically resolve the nested relation only (ignoring and ways/nodes contained in the relation). Here's a link to the preview version: (returns 102 relations, which are only visible in overpass turbo's data tab).

permanent link

answered 28 Oct '15, 14:47

mmd's gravatar image

accept rate: 37%

edited 29 Oct '15, 18:17

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question asked: 28 Oct '15, 10:12

question was seen: 3,077 times

last updated: 29 Oct '15, 18:17

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