Hi guys, i have little doubt, I tried to find it out over google but I found conflicting opinions. I'm installing nominatim 2.3.1 following the wiki guide. For the map import I use the command:
Now I would like to know how to set the 'x' parameter. Someone said that I have to set it with the amount value of my machine RAM, other said to set it with half of my machine RAM. Still others say to set it with '18000' regardless the amoun of my RAM. Please help me because I wouldn't make mistakes beacuse the process is damned long and I don't want to restart it again. Thanks a lot Giacomo |
This appears to be poorly documented (what units is <x> measured in? for example)? Based on my reading, the units are MB and you should tune the value to be ~ 2/3s of your available RAM on your system. You want to avoid swapping at all costs because it will slow things down. |