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Hi I searched for access tags and came across this group.  ski:nordic= (cross-county skiing)  ski:alpine= (downhill skiing)  ski:telemark=* (telemark (free-heel) skiing) What’s the difference between ski:nordic and ski:telemark ? Both have or use the same kind of free_heel bindings with or without an extra connection between the front bindings and the heel ? The extra connection is used goiing downhilll in Telemark_stile.

asked 25 Oct '15, 10:39

Hendrikklaas's gravatar image

accept rate: 5%

Perhaps a skiing forum might have more people with more experience of the practical difference than an OSM one?

(25 Oct '15, 11:15) SomeoneElse ♦

As there is no such tag in the DB, the question is maybe purely rethoric. Otherwise I suggest a user first feels the need to invent the tag before documenting it in the wiki.

(26 Oct '15, 19:49) yvecai

Nordic/cross country skiing and telemark skiing are not at all the same thing though there is crossover in the techniques. I would expect (but not mandate) to see prepared tracks ("loipe") for Nordic skiing. Telemarking is predominantly a style of turn that can only be executed on free heel ski equipment so it can be practised in the same areas as alpine/downhill - which leaves me puzzled as to where you'd place this tag. Maybe some context would help. Can you link to an area with the tag?

permanent link

answered 25 Oct '15, 14:35

G3YAC's gravatar image

accept rate: 20%

Hi guys, heres the context ,our own OSM Wiki. It all comes down to the meaning of the English words. It seems that Nordic_ski gets or has the meaning of beiing made for the "German Langlaufloipe", Nordic skies are narrower than Telemark types but they use the same kind of bindings. Thats why I asked the question since the Wiki denies the similarity.

(25 Oct '15, 20:21) Hendrikklaas

That is odd. . .

Having done all three I associate telemark skiing as an alternative to alpine skiing. If on piste then a alternative to using conventional alpine bindings. Or if off-piste, then an alternative to using randonnée boots and bindings (alpine ski touring).

For nordic, I associate that with longer, thinner skis which might be on a "set track" (groomed) area or in undeveloped backcountry. The terrain for nordic would be very tame by alpine standards, rolling or even nearly flat.

There can be some cross over: I spent a lot of years using metal edged nordic skis and leather boots for backcountry, set track and, on occasion, venturing into alpine ski areas and doing some telemark turns on piste.

So as far as labeling a piste, I would say "nordic" or "alpine" make sense but not "telemark".

(26 Oct '15, 05:22) n76

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question asked: 25 Oct '15, 10:39

question was seen: 2,250 times

last updated: 26 Oct '15, 19:49

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