Hello comunity, I'm develpoing kinda "hitchike" app (feel like hitchike but phone instead of table) where I need some "chekpoints" - not road turns, but maybe road number change cities (~center), or some city districts. Is there some library, github repo for this? cause on wiki- routing https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Routing I've not found anything satisfactory for this task. Or what's th closest existing solution for my problem. Thanks Robert.
This question is marked "community wiki".
What are "road number change cities"? Why can't you just insert checkpoints every x kilometers? Can you give us more details about your problem and your goal?
well and do not care about kilometers - there can be no city/town for e.g 20km or also 3 towns. I need to automaticaly pair the the Hhiker with the driver: the hiker eneters where is his destination (or opt point) and it can be only part of the driver routes. 90% want actually get to some town or city. I need route to consist of "chekcpoints" whether town/city or maybe road crossing. and server'd go thorough that JSON array and automatically pair dirver - hiker when that route is matching. note I'm doing this in NodeJS (javascript)
so the hiker specifies a town, you translate that to lat/lon. Around this lan/lon you create a circle (of e.g. 3 km) and see whether that circle intersects with the route of the driver ? A bit similar to POIs along the route ?
thanks understand. how can I check if that hiker location intersects with driver the route - do you know some good source code example for that?