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I was able to follow the OSRM instructions to extract, prepare and route OSM data for both North-America ( extract) as well as the full planet download from For both I used the supplied car.lua profile.

Now I am trying to modify the profile (and re-preocess the data) in order to assign a higher than normal cost to bridges, tunnels and ferries. I am having a hard time finding any instructions related to profile customization.

Any help is highly appreciated! Thanks in advance!

asked 19 Oct '15, 21:11

udoh's gravatar image

accept rate: 0%

You're right. Documentation on Profiles seemed to be missing I've just created it! :

I've only been playing with OSRM for a couple of days, so I'm not the most qualified person to be writing the documentation, but hopefully others will jump on this and expand the details.

I'm afraid it doesn't detail how to "assign higher than normal cost to bridges" (not yet) but it might give you some ideas.

permanent link

answered 03 Dec '15, 18:11

Harry%20Wood's gravatar image

Harry Wood
accept rate: 14%


Thank you very much for your answer and for posting the profile instructions on the wiki!! At the moment I am still using the data prepared using the car.lua profile and I haven't looked into this for a while. This will definitely be helpful when I go back to reprocess with a customized profile. Thanks again!

(03 Dec '15, 18:51) udoh

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question asked: 19 Oct '15, 21:11

question was seen: 11,592 times

last updated: 03 Dec '15, 18:51

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum