I would like to know a disk space usage for Europe extract (Nominatim, tile server, both data structures and rendered tiles). I have currently map server with an european country extract and I tried to estimate disk usage for Europe. My estimation is a very big number (about 1,3 - 1,4TB!). Is it possible? Am i wrong? Can someone correct or confirm my estimation? My calculation's ways are:
What zoom levels (for rendered tiles) are you interested in? Do you want to pre-render all tiles but only render those tiles that people want on demand?
crosspost: https://gis.stackexchange.com/questions/166968/disk-usage-for-europe-openstreetmap
I want pre-render tiles because i had problems with country extract when tiles wasn't pre-rendered (pink tiles appeared). I think pre-rendering tiles to 16 zoom level for one country and to 14/15 (or even less) zoom level for other countries is a sufficient solution for me.