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I posted a message at yesterday following answers to my previous post here: Only later did I realise archives stop at July 2015. I reproduce the post here in the hope that someone in this forum can help:

"I posted a new topic on OSM Help forum this morning regarding bus stops and NaPTAN. I wish to add new bus stop information, myself, following constructive answers provided by Andy Allan and SK53. I thought I should check first to determine what information NaPTAN, itself, holds on the bus stops in question. I visited the NaPTAN website and noted the availability of .xml and .csv file downloads. 1) I do not know how to use these files for an area as small as I wish to consult and 2) I wonder if there is an interactive map available that would allow me to view such a small area to obtain the information I need."

asked 17 Oct '15, 09:33

silver%20mapper's gravatar image

silver mapper
accept rate: 0%

edited 17 Oct '15, 09:33

I'd probably extract the area I was interested in by exporting selected features from QGIS though I just tried it quickly and must have got the CRSs wrong as they didn't line up when opened as a layer in JOSM.

There is a map which was used for showing which of the bus stops in OSM had been surveyed, but this doesn't show naptan stops not in OSM. I am surprised there are still stops locally that I've not checked - I thought I'd made a special effort to check them all. Ah well. More to do.

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answered 17 Oct '15, 10:18

EdLoach's gravatar image

EdLoach ♦
accept rate: 22%



I constantly laugh at myself and my contortions: I have used QGIS in the past but find it and the way it works non-intuitive for an occasional user. However, working with it again did remind me that I have MapInfo (for whom I worked before retirement). I could open the Stops.csv file, select everything related to 'Reading', translate it to a .shp file, make a .gpx file from that in QGIS and view the stops in JOSM. Phew! I don't doubt other users have a much more straightforward method, but it worked.

I thank you for pointing me in a direction that yielded eventually the answer for which I was searching.

(18 Oct '15, 10:53) silver mapper

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question asked: 17 Oct '15, 09:33

question was seen: 2,420 times

last updated: 19 Oct '15, 00:08

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum