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The Wiki tag bicycle=track is used for a traffic situation. Is there a tag for a cyclo-cross or ATB route or track ? I even could not find a circuit that has been mapped and tagged in Belgium.

asked 16 Oct '15, 22:10

Hendrikklaas's gravatar image

accept rate: 5%

closed 22 Oct '15, 09:31

SimonPoole's gravatar image

SimonPoole ♦

Cyclo-cross tracks are normally not permanent. They're constructed in meadows, fields and sandy grounds once a year, for the race taking place there.

OSM only maps permanent features, so it's not possible to map these cyclo-cross tracks there.

If you know permanent tracks that are present somewhere (for example for training), it's most likely not a route, but a collection of individual paths (which can be used also for MTB training). So you can tag it with the regular OSM tags:

  • highway=path (a path is a narrow road, only fit for pedestrians and bicycles)
  • surface=dirt/grass/sand/... (surface is important in cyclo-cross)
  • incline=up/down (whether the path is up- or downhill - following the direction of the way)
  • width=... (average width of a track piece in meters)
  • most other MTB tags should also apply to cyclo-cross:

The difference between MTB and cyclo-cross is very small (the main differences are in the racing rules and the used bikes, which can't be mapped anyway). So using the same tagging makes sense.

If you want to make maps of the yearly race parcours, I suggest you to use a different service, like uMap

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answered 21 Oct '15, 19:24

Sanderd17's gravatar image

accept rate: 31%

Sanderd17, I stumbled over a training circuit, operated by a local cyclingclub. Follow my link in answer to malenki earlier.

(22 Oct '15, 00:14) Hendrikklaas

Are you looking for bicycle routes?
Or do you want to search OSM for a certain route like you can do here?
It would be helpful if you could provide a link or a name of the mapped and tagged track.

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answered 17 Oct '15, 10:30

malenki's gravatar image

accept rate: 6%

Hi Malenki, It’s an area operated by a club with different routes and trails on the premises.

(17 Oct '15, 19:59) Hendrikklaas

I typed "bmx tracks" into osm search box and found a few here is one.

(19 Oct '15, 14:39) andy mackey
(19 Oct '15, 14:46) andy mackey

or "mountain bike track" a lot of those too. one

(19 Oct '15, 14:49) andy mackey

"I even could not find a circuit that has been mapped and tagged in Belgium" -> Then take a look at waymarkedtrails. There are already several mountain bike routes in Belgium:

(19 Oct '15, 14:59) scai ♦

Hi Hendricklass not sure if any of my alternative names in my comments fit what you are looking for. You could inspect the tags that have been used before and as you know taginfo will show how many others have used the tag before.

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answered 19 Oct '15, 14:56

andy%20mackey's gravatar image

andy mackey
accept rate: 4%

edited 19 Oct '15, 14:58

Hi Andy & Scai, thanks for the hints, but no luck so far, cyclo_cross, is an International sport they use bicycles like a street racer, their only stronger. Ill hesitate but Wikipedia describes it as cyclo-cross. Ill recon the temporarily tracks will change in due time and no mapper will tag it as a route as a relation of tracks. So Ill use cyclo_cross=yes to tag this specific track. Searching tag-info for a hardly used <0.01 % tag is almost a lost course. The difference between MTB and cyclo-cross is that an MTBer get downpoints for touching the ground and a cyclo-crosser not.

(21 Oct '15, 16:55) Hendrikklaas

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question asked: 16 Oct '15, 22:10

question was seen: 3,227 times

last updated: 22 Oct '15, 21:12

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum