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I wonder what is the latest situation in the United Kingdom for adding or updating bus stops and their attributes? How is NaPTAN integrated, updated, by whom and how often? What happens about duplication where users have entered their own information already? I ask because I see numerous bus stops are missing in Reading, for example. I wish to know whether I should add my own information or whether it is a case of waiting for a NaPTAN update?

asked 16 Oct '15, 09:31

silver%20mapper's gravatar image

silver mapper
accept rate: 0%

Bus stops from NaPTAN are not integrated, or updated, or anything else like that. Many years ago there was a partial import of bus stops from NaPTAN to augment the existing hand-mapped bus stops, but that was a one-off process.

You should add any bus stops that you find are missing today, don't wait for any NaPTAN updates since none are planned. And if you find that any bus stops that are already in OSM are incorrectly placed or have other incorrect details, please fix them, whether they originally came from NaPTAN or not.

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answered 16 Oct '15, 12:08

Andy%20Allan's gravatar image

Andy Allan
accept rate: 28%

Broadly speaking NaPTAN imports haven't happened for a long time (roughly at the point when Edgemaster returned to university). Although various people have advocated restarting them I think it's fair to say that the GB community consensus is against such an import.

From my own point of view NaPTAN data were just too large to actually survey and correct, and I'm not alone: there are many places where bus stops which had already been mapped have not been reconciled with NaPTAN data. At the time they did allow the addition of many roads and other features, so these imports had another purpose.

NaPTAN data are readily available in various formats here. The best approach, as with any, external data source, is to use this data to identify gaps in OSM coverage, which can then be rectified by survey, or limited case-by-case import.

Remember non-surveyed imported data needs to follow the import guidelines.

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answered 16 Oct '15, 12:14

SK53's gravatar image

SK53 ♦
accept rate: 22%

Andy and SK53

I thank you both for making the situation clear. I have written myself into a new mapping task!

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answered 16 Oct '15, 12:44

silver%20mapper's gravatar image

silver mapper
accept rate: 0%

edited 16 Oct '15, 12:45

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question asked: 16 Oct '15, 09:31

question was seen: 2,820 times

last updated: 16 Oct '15, 16:13

NOTICE: is no longer in use from 1st March 2024. Please use the OpenStreetMap Community Forum